Mindful Living vs. Subconscious Habits

I rearranged the apps on my phone & labeled the new folders as affirmations, it is AMAZING what this is already teaching me. 

I have had to put my phone down 5 times in the past five minutes because I found myself staring at my phone wondering WHY it was in my hand?  What am I searching for here in this moment? 

Being transparently honest with myself the answers have been:  procrastinating movement, ignoring the to-do list running through my head,  busying myself with what others are doing instead of showing up for myself.  

Foundational to my actions, I have been creating an excuse of not enough time to invest in myself & my relationships. 👈 This is after 18 MONTHS of doing the work to remove these actions, consciously striving to live and intentionally create my life.  Clearly it’s a process! 

It is amazing what we can learn about ourselves if we challenge or question our thoughts and actions. It is phenomenal what we inhibit ourselves from and what we are truly capable of.  

I LOVE digging deep, figuring out the hurdles behind and before me.  I LOVE knowing that every problem has a solution, so if there is a solution there is no problem! 

If you’re one who is ready to figure out the solutions, consider joining me in my next ‘Your Life, Your Masterpiece’ program!   Learn more here: https://transformationhaven.online/LifebookPremium


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